Selected research highlights and media coverage of our work
We hit the evening news at Channel 11! (13:00')
העולם היום | 26.02.20
We hit the evening new at Channel 13! (5:29')
עומר ירדני | 2.2.2020
איתי נבו, מכון דווידסון 2019
By Kastalia Medrano, Newsweek (2017)
By Abigail Klein Leichman, ISRAEL21c (2017)
Recommended by David Lombard, F1000 (2016)
Adam Bluestein discussing CRISPR , Proto Magazine (2016)

Video abstract:
Cell 160 (2015)

Adrienne M.Wang, Daniel E.L.Promislow, MattKaeberlein, Cell 160 (2015)

Research highlight:
Michael Eisenstein, Nature Methods 12, 289 (2015)
Carl Zimmer, MATTER (FEB. 27, 2015)
The Washington Post (2015)
Medical News Today (2015)
Noam Leviatan, SciPhile (2015)